First, a set of points generated from the machining process probability distribution, and a NURBS surface is interpolated to fit the generated points representing the manufactured surface. 阐述了利用统计方法获得模拟加工表面采样点和NURBS曲面插值构造加工表面;
At first, the probability distribution of target in the observe space is analyzed, then based on spatial grid, the probability density of target is calculated with high precision. 分析了目标在观测空间的概率分布,基于空间栅格划分,实现了目标概率密度的准确求解,通过提取联合概率密度峰值得到了目标位置估计。
In this paper, the chaotic mapping of DC-DC converter is obtained by first establishing the chaotic model. Then, the eigenvector method is adopted to solve the invariant probability distribution of the chaotic mapping, thus achieving the chaotic quantitative calculation based on the chaotic characteristics. 文中通过建立DC-DC变换器的混沌模型,得到其相应的混沌映射,进而利用特征向量法对该混沌映射的不变分布进行求解,实现了基于混沌特性的量化。
The advanced method of first order and second moment was employed to calculate the partial derivatives of the system failure probability for the distribution parameters of the process variables and some basic variables. 采用一次二阶矩敏度分析方法求出系统失效概率对综合随机变量分布参数与部分基本随机变量分布参数的敏度;
First, the probability distribution model of original flow for a sampled flow of fixed length is analyzed, and simple estimation for large flows is described according to the analysis result. 首先分析了产生一个定长抽样流的原始流的概率分布模型,并根据这个概率分布特征给出了长流一个非常简单的估计。
The dynamic response, the first passage probability, and the time dependent extreme value distribution are analysed, the formula of time dependent reliability based on time dependent extreme value distribution is given also in this paper. 本文研究了时变结构的动力响应,及其首次超越概率,时变极值分布等问题。提出了基于时变极值分布的时变动力可靠度计算公式。
It first presumes the probability distribution function for complex wavelet coefficients of the original nature image, and then applies MAP theory to estimate coefficients from the noisy wavelet coefficients. 该方法首先对无噪声污染图像的复数小波系数的统计概率分布进行建模;
A two stage algorithm for the parameters learning of the mixtures of factor analyzers is presented, which first approximates the probability distribution of the data by the Gaussian mixture models, and then performs factor analysis for each Gaussians. 给出了一种用于混合因子分析模型参数学习的两阶段学习算法,即首先使用混合高斯模型学习数据的概率分布,然后对每一个高斯混合项进行因子分析。
We practise low cost of labour force principle in the first distribution of our national income, and probability of labour distribution is low. 在我国国民收入初次分配中,实行了劳动力低成本政策,劳动分配率偏低。
First, the least biased prior probability distribution of observed index under the given constraint condition is derived using the principle of maximum entropy. 本文先应用了最大熵原理来确定在给定约束条件(即已知信息)下,实测指标最小偏差的先验概率分布。
First, after reviewing some related results deduced recently for the compound binomial ruin model, it is shown that the ultimate ruin probability can be expressed as a compound geometric distribution. 首先,在简述复合二项破产模型近期已得的相关成果的基础上,给出了最终破产概率的复合几何分布表示;
On the basis of the advanced first order and second moment method, the partial derivatives of the failure probability to the distribution parameters of the process variables were formulated. 由求解失效概率的改进一次二阶矩法出发,给出了失效概率对中间变量分布参数偏导数的计算公式;
First, a statistical inference is made of the "bulk-cargo carriers system" so as to find out the regularities of the ships 'arrivals and the probability distribution of loading and unloading times. 首先对杂货船系统进行了统计推断,找出杂货船到港分布规律及装卸时间的概率分布。
In the first place, fitting of distribution is been used to test of hypothesis of probability distribution of corporate cash flow. 首先,采用概率及数理统计理论的分布拟合检验方法,根据已有的企业现金流假设检验其概率分布密度函数。
Therefore, this paper also studied the making of optimal quantity and lead time in the case that the first and second moments of the probability distribution of lead time demand to be known and finite. 针对此情形,本文还研究了提前期内需求为分布未知时的最优订货数量和提前期的制定问题。
First, take a brief introduction of the color model, color histogram and color probability distribution, and gives experimental results. 首先简单介绍了颜色模型、颜色直方图和颜色概率分布图,并给出实验结果。
At first people use stochastic processes to study compound Poisson risk models, discuss the ruin probability and the joint distribution of deficit at ruin, surplus immediately before ruin, the time of ruin and other actuarial diagnostics. 最初人们主要借助随机过程理论来研究复合泊松风险模型,主要是研究破产概率,破产时赤字、破产前瞬时盈余、破产时刻等精算量联合分布的问题。
When study on the guidance of species distribution models to sampling technique, first the probability of present species was studied, then the sample method was presented about rare, cluster species under the guidance of species distribution models. 在研究物种分布模型和抽样技术时,研究了物种存在的概率,并提出了在物种分布模型的指导下,对于分布稀疏群团状分布的物种所应选择的抽样方法。
First, review the feature and disadvantages of existing major padding algorithm, such as existence of redundant information system, the requirement of a priori probability distribution, no sparse degree dealing. 首先研究目前一些主要数据补齐算法所存在缺陷:产生冗余信息系统、需先验属性值分布概率、无稀疏数据处理等。
First, it is presented that probability distributions of total horizontal irregular wave trough loads and overturning moments on vertical walls can be well expressed by Weibull distribution, and the effects of bedding factor, relative berm width and relative wave height on shape parameter a are discussed. 首先,提出了直立堤上总水平波谷力和倾覆力矩谷值可用威布尔分布来表述,并讨论了基床因子、相对肩宽和相对波高等因素对形状参数α的影响。